Peace Laboratory

Peacebuilders have to have the knowledge and skills to build the capacity of individuals, organizations and communities with transformative frameworks and tools that increase social connection, and resilience to bring peace across the world. StandUp4Peace: Media Education Centre with Danube Peace Boat E.U.R.O.P.E, International Cities of Peace and Building PEACE Continue Reading →


The project Action for Health and Equity: Addressing medical Deserts – or AHEAD – aims to reduce health inequalities by addressing the challenge of medical deserts and medical desertification in Europe. Medical deserts are isolated or depopulated areas with such significant falling numbers of medical practitioners and overall health workforce Continue Reading →

Fredens Hus – House for Peace – Serbia

“Kuća za mir – Fredens Hus – House for Peace” is a gathering place for peace, human rights and peacemaking opportunities. Through workshops, exhibitions, projects and educational activities with a focus on children and young people, we work for social sustainability promoting Peace between People, Peace between Countries and Peace Continue Reading →

UN Initiative – International Patriotic Committee

Joint statement advocating the drafting of the InternationalPatriotic Convention and the establishment of the UnitedNations’ International Patriotic Committee Patriotism is the highest universal value in the world and the deepest and most enduring emotion in the world. Governments and non-governmental organizations in every country are vigorously advocating for it, and Continue Reading →

11th International Conference of Museums for Peace

Fredens Hus and The International Network of Museums for Peace organized the 11th International Conference of Museums for Peace. The conference takes place every third year and this time participants from all over the world will meet in Uppsala, Sweden August 14-16, 2023. The Media Education Centre in cooperation with Continue Reading →