UNAOC, 10th Anniversary

Given global tensions, Alliance of Civilizations needed more than ever – UN officials (The Media Education Centre have Memorandum of Understanding with UNAOC) 1 October 2015 – United Nations officials today stressed the ever-growing importance of the Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), especially in light of the rising xenophobia, intolerance and Continue Reading →

Traveling, Source for Cultural Discovery

For information, registration and participation please contact the Media Education Centre on office@mediaeducationcentre.eu Danube Media and Information literacy Workshop, 20th to 30th of October 2015 Traveling, Source for Cultural Discovery From Stone Age to Medieval and Present days! Peace, Dialogue, Heritage, Environment, Development, Human Rights Interactive, Innovative and Inclusive Traveling Continue Reading →

Danube Peace Boat, step forward!

Danube Peace Boat E.U.R.O.P.E. and TOURISM Traveling, Source for Cultural and Educational Research! Cultural Tourism: the heart of development policy! Danube Peace Boat E.U.R.O.P.E. is project ready to develop all elements important for Prosperity of the Danube Region: from Environment, Sustainable Sources of energy and Clean Water through Cultural tourism Continue Reading →

Danube Peace Boat on the Synergy Circles

Breaking NEWS: During the closing Plenary Session, today (19th of February) on the IIPT World Symposium, South Africa “Cultivating a Culture of Peace and Sustainability” announced DANUBE PEACE BOAT E.U.R.O.P.E. one of Legacy Project of the Symposium. International Youth Media Summit and Media Education Centre PresentInteractive World Symposium Johannesburg, South Continue Reading →


The Media Education Centre Started TASTE OF PEACE INTERNATIONAL YOUTH MEDIA SUMMER WORKSHOP 2008 and “The GUERNICA International Children’s Peace Mural” 2010. Project was part of our activities in promotion of Children’s and Human Rights and this part of activities was inspired by the famous Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso who Continue Reading →