💼 Green at You: Izgradnja Zelene Ekonomije i Poslovnih Planova za Šumarstvo u Srbiji 💼

EN: 💼 Green at You: Building Green Economy and Business Plans for Forestry in Serbia 💼 Projekat Green at You osnažuje pojedince u Srbiji sa ključnim veštinama u oblasti Zelene Ekonomije i Razvoja Poslovnih Planova. Naš MOOC kurs pruža učesnicima znanje i alate potrebne za pokretanje uspešnih zelenih preduzeća i Continue Reading →

Global Peace Through Media

Empowering Global Peace Through Media: Join Our Journey! The Media Education Centre, based in Belgrade, Serbia, is a dynamic and innovative organization dedicated to advancing media and digital literacy on an international scale. Our mission is to empower individuals and communities by harnessing the transformative power of media and technology, Continue Reading →


The Erasmus+ project, “Connect, Exchange and Create – Together!“, aims to leverage AI to boost cultural exchange, creativity, and collaboration among youth globally. By incorporating AI into their creative activities, participants will broaden perspectives, share innovative ideas, and jointly tackle challenges. Key objectives are to foster cross-cultural bonds by using Continue Reading →

🌲 Green at You: Vodeći Put ka Zelenom Šumarstvu u Srbiji 🌲

English version below! Da li ste znali da je Srbija izgubila približno 74.200 hektara šuma u poslednjih 20 godina? Projekat Green at You posvećen je preokretanju ovog trenda pružanjem specijalizovane obuke u oblasti Zelenog Šumarstva. Nudimo sveobuhvatni MOOC kurs osmišljen da opremi učesnike modernim tehnikama upravljanja šumama i održivim praksama. Continue Reading →

STREAM Literacy for a Sustainable Future

Introduction: Welcome to the presentation, “STREAM: Steering Through the Realm of Education in Artificial Minds”. Today, we’ll explore how integrating Media and Information Literacy (MIL) with AI literacies empowers individuals, enhances analytical thinking, fuels innovation, and promotes global responsibility. In an increasingly digital world, mastering these literacies is crucial for Continue Reading →