Giffoni Film Festival

GIFFONI EXPERIENCE The Giffoni Film Festival (GFF) was born in 1971 from a Claudio Gubitosi idea: i.e. promoting and developing cinema for young people elevating it from the marginal position it had back in those days, and leading it where it belongs , e.g. a high quality genre capable of Continue Reading →

Out of the Box, report

by Nikola Jankovic, Media Education Centre Norway, March 2011. Many young men and women, members of organizations and associations, sometimes must undertake the role of the group or project leaders. Even those young people who already have an experience of leading teams in international youth exchanges or in local projects Continue Reading →

Creative Forces II

Creative Force: Self Images and Human Rights, Workshop 2 in Peja, 2011. During 3 days, and almost nights, a group of young people from Serbia, Kosovo and Sweden created this 3 animations in the city of Peja, Kosovo. This was the second workshop of the theme Human Rights. Supported by Continue Reading →

Creative Forces I

Creative Force: Self Images and Human Rights, Workshop in Prizren 2010 During 3 days a group of young people from Bosnia, Media Education Centre Serbia, Kosovo and Sweden created this 4 animations in the city of Prizren, Kosovo. Supported by the Swedish Institutes program Creative Force and Film i Halland Continue Reading →

Peace Revolution

We would like to introduce you to the new peace equation at Peace Revolution: Inner Peace + Outer Peace = Sustainable World Peace. This is how the Revolution begins. Peace Revolution provides a new paradigm-shift on the peace building process by means of engaging young peace activists in Inner Peace Continue Reading →