Art of the Book

ABC, Art of the Book La Fontain in Belgrade, thanks to the French Institute in Serbia The team: Aleksandra Mojse Vladimir Stajic Marinka Tanaskovic Brajovic Andjela Ana Zuvela Jana Nenadic Mirjana Sarac Marina Dzaleta Aleksa Jankovic Tatjana Vorotovic Profesors: Soline d’Aboville Dragana Markovic  


THEME 2012: HAPPINESS This year (like every year) four young members of the Media Education Centre will be jurors  on the Giffoni Film Festival. Together with the leader of the Team they will be in Salerno-Giffoni from 14th to 24th of July 2012. Serbian Jurors with Italian friends and young Continue Reading →


What We Talk About When We Talk About Violence The term “violence” originates from the Latin language where we can find a differentiation between positive and negative violence which is preserved in the English language: potestas – power and violentia – violence. The phenomenon of violence appears in many different Continue Reading →

Film Workshop

By Milica Mihajlovic: In the film workshops Media Education Centre, students did second exercise done- short films of  to one minute on any subject, with the task to, in combination, use all kinds of camera levaquin price angles capture the two actors (the opposite inner, outer and opposite parallel). During Continue Reading →

VAFI 2012

Dear VAFI friends, I know that a lot of you have, but in case that you haven’t – just to remind you that tomorrow is the last day to submit your films on VAFI 3. Please find and download Entry Form and Regulations in our web site. You can apply Continue Reading →

Focus! Direct your beams

Ohrid Lake: Film made by our blind friend Bojan Biga during the Youth in Action Exchange project “Focus! Direct your Beams” for young people with special needs from Slovenia, Serbia and Macedonia in Radenci, October-November 2011! International youth exchange with motto Focus! Direct your beams is project which includes different Continue Reading →