First Place for Summer Learning

Media Laboratory Proudly Presents: Marko Kosic, Media Education Centre, Bela Crkva Marko Kosic is member of the Media Education Centre from 2012. He was participant of one of our International Summer Workshop was held in Bela Crkva, Serbia: France, Serbia and World…  this is one short film with Marko: Today, Continue Reading →

Cinema Club

CINEMA CLUB NETWORK IS ONE NEW DIGITAL MOVEMENT WILL DEVELOP ONLINE PLATFORM FOR THE MULTILEVEL CROSS SECTORS INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION IN MEDIA EDUCATION-MEDIA, INFORMATION AND PEACE LITERACY The main goal of the Cinema Club Platform will be the collection, promotion and dissemination of the mew methodologies, projects and audio visual tools Continue Reading →

Fondazione Malagutti

The Media Education Centre proudly would like to present our partners and friends from Mantua, Italy: Fondazione Malagutti Fondazione Malagutti onlus is based in Curtatone (Mantua, Italy). In a safeguard structure it welcomes and assists children/teenagers, mothers with children, victims of abuse, torture and maltreatment, providing them a family environment Continue Reading →

Traveling, Source for Cultural Discovery

Danube Media and Information Literacy Workshop If you like to receive info about registration and participation fee please fill out our Application Form  and Registration Form:   Flyer: Traveling, Source for Cultural Discovery Interactive, Innovative and Inclusive Traveling Classroom We are working on the long term media, information and peace literacy process of the Continue Reading →

Global Peace Initiative 2015

This letter I like to share with you with pleasure: Dear Miomir, On behalf of Global Dialogue Foundation, we are delighted to congratulate our Vice Chairperson Maya Shahani on being selected an Awardee of the Global Peace Initiative 2015, and for all that she is doing for the benefit of humanity. Continue Reading →