My Danube Peace Boat Experience

My Danube Peace Boat Experience By Laura Gaynor, Ireland It’s more than a month since the Danube Peace Boat, and yet, I still find myself thinking and talking about it to my friends. Though I only visited one country, I felt like I visited eight. When I first heard about Continue Reading →

International Forum in Kyrgyzstan

KEY SKILLS FOR YOUTH IN 21ST CENTURY, 18TH TO 25TH OF AUGUST 2016 Forum as a new annual regional meetings format It is privilege for Media Education Centre, Belgrade to be invited to participate on the Forum. We believe that cooperation with Central Asia Region is crucial for Education for Sustainable Continue Reading →

We are the BOAT

We are sailing again! It is two short points mentioned by Ms. Silvia Fridrich after research of our Project Concept: Innovation and Action means CHANGE because We are the BOAT. So, we are traveling and our daily reports will include all of you in our journey. From first to the last episode, EVERYDAY INSIDER! Continue Reading →

TANDEM u Bečeju

Medijski edukativni centar iz Beograda je pre nekoliko meseci pokrenuo jedan projekat, inspirisan mladim Be?ejcem, Bojanom Bigom, koji je slep od svoje druge godine života. Prvi tandem je završen a u nastavku možete pogledati kolekciju TV reportaža o ovom Bojanovom podvigu! O Projektu: ?lanovi Medijskog edukativnog centra su osmislili projekat Continue Reading →

New York 2016

After many years of cooperationof the Media Education Centre with UN Alliance of Civilizations and their great UN PLURAL + Film Festival we are going in New York to participate on the PLURAL + 2016 Award Ceremony, to give our three Awards and to implement MIL Workshop. Media and Information Continue Reading →