Building Trust in Media

With financial support from the European Union, UNESCO is promoting freedom of expression and press freedom in South East Europe and Turkey. The project, entitled “Building Trust in media in South East Europe and Turkey”, seeks to strengthen freedom of expression, access to information, free, independent and pluralistic media, ensuring Continue Reading →

Human Rights Day

Media Education Centre stand up for someone’s rights today! This year, Human Rights Day calls on everyone to stand up for someone’s rights! Disrespect for basic human rights continues to be wide-spread in all parts of the globe. Extremist movements subject people to horrific violence. Messages of intolerance and hatred prey Continue Reading →

Novi oblici evropskog građanstva u eri migracija

Dragi prijatelji, Hvala vam što ste pristali da distribuišete ovaj upitnik i da u?estvujete u istraživanju koje sprovodimo u okviru projekta “Novi oblici evropskog gra?anstva u eri migracija”. Projekat je finansiran iz projekta EACEA, Evropa za gra?ane, koji vodi Fondazione Giovanni e Francesca Falcone u partnerstvu sa slede?im organizacijama: Antigone Continue Reading →

Media and Information Literacy in Serbia

UNESCO-supported discussion on Media and Information Literacy in Serbia: Cross-sector approach for all generations Young people are faced with a challenge they might not even be aware of: from whom will they learn about Media and Information Literacy (MIL)? Parents, often themselves lacking MIL skills, are rarely aware of the Continue Reading →

Media and Information Literacy as a Tool to Build Trust in the Media

EU Info Centre, Belgrade, 13. October 2016 Media Education Centre is in the implementation of the “Building Trust in Media in SEE and Turkey” (EC-UNESCO funded project). As part of activities is Conference “Media and Information Literacy as a Tool to Build Trust in the Media” was held in Belgrade 13th Continue Reading →