Global Dialogue Foundation, Unity in Diversity

Proudly present our Partner, co-organizer of the Unity in Diversity World Civil Society International Conference: Global Dialogue Foundation (UinD WCS Australia) represented by Peter Pece Gorgievski, CEO & Director-General and Co-Founder The Global Dialogue Foundation principal purpose is to: Strengthen the role of civil society organizations to promote intercultural dialogue, cultural Continue Reading →

The Continent of Africa observes and celebrates in a special way the 25 May

The Continent of Africa observes and celebrates in a special way the 25 May. The day is known as “Africa Day.” Africa Day is promoted by the African Union (AU). This year 2017, the African Union highlights the theme: ‘Harnessing the demographic dividend through investments in youth.’ What began on Continue Reading →

New forms of European Citizenship in Migration Era

Project Media Education Centre participate, “New forms of European Citizenship in Migration Era” aims to stimulate among civil society, in synergy with institutions involved in integration process, a more active role in promoting active citizenship of migrants, starting from the analysis of inclusion difficulties and of the role of human Continue Reading →

Critical Minds for Critical Times

Media’s role in advancing peaceful, just and inclusive societies World Press Freedom Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in December 1993, following the recommendation of UNESCO’s General Conference. Since then, 3 May, the anniversary of the Declaration of Windhoek is celebrated worldwide as World Press Freedom Day. It is an Continue Reading →

MIL Strategy in Serbia

Five Serbian ministries of government joined forces to enable media and information literacy policies and strategies A consensus on media and information literacy (MIL) as the impetus for addressing numerous contemporary challenges was reached among all key government ministries in Serbia. Their strong commitment to MIL development was demonstrated at Continue Reading →

National Consultation on MIL

Media Education Centre together with Ministry for Youth and Sport, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Development and Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia and with support of the Ministry for Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Commission for UNESCO of the Continue Reading →

Global Festival of Ideas for Sustainable Development

Leading thinkers, policy-makers, business leaders and civil society activists gathered in Germany for the first ever Global Festival of Ideas for Sustainable Development, to chart new thinking and action on the world’s biggest development challenges at the World Conference Center in Bonn.   The first day of the Festival featured Continue Reading →

Five Laws of Media and Information Literacy

Five Laws of Media and Information Literacy We are travelling towards the universality of books, the Internet and all forms of “containers of knowledge”. Media and information literacy for all should be seen as a nexus of human rights. Therefore, UNESCO suggests the following Five Laws of Media and Information Continue Reading →