Global Education – Regional Seminar in Balkan Countries

Belgrade, Serbia, October 30th and 31st 2017 This annual GDE monitoring process covering the period 2016-19, is in line with the Council of Europe’s Action Plan on Building Inclusive Societies (2016-2019); the Standing Conference of Ministers of Education held in April 2016 under the theme “Securing democracy through education”; and Continue Reading →


INTERNATIONAL DAY OF NON-VIOLENCE DATE: 2ND OCTOBER 2017 Nonviolence is a powerful method to harmonize relationships among people and all living things for the establishment of justice and the ultimate the well-being of everyone. It draws its power from awareness of the profound truth of which the wisdom traditions of all cultures, science, Continue Reading →


Highlights: Unity in Diversity – World Civil Society, Serbia Launch, 25-27 July 2017 By Mr Peter Pece Gorgievski and Mr Miomir Rajcevic The Danube Peace Boat and Unity in Diversity-World Civil Society Serbia event opened in the city of Novi Sad – the third largest city next to Belgrade, the Continue Reading →