European Youth Capital

European Youth Capital is a title awarded to a European city for the period of one year, during which it is given the chance to showcase, through a multi-faceted programme, its youth-related cultural, social, political and economic life and development. The EYC initiative encourages cities to both continue and expand Continue Reading →

Global MIL Week 2018

What if your transportation system, health care system, local government authority, entertainment industry, and other city actors, all become social drivers and spaces of informal learning on MIL and without much effort on your part? Amidst the present outcry about disinformation, privacy and data protection, there are silent great waves Continue Reading →

Bridge 47 Meeting

Bridge 47 – Building Global Citizenship The Bridge 47 project team Bridge 47 – Building Global Citizenship is a project co-created and implemented by 16 European and global civil society organisations. It seeks to mobilise and empower global civil society to contribute to a transformation towards global justice and eradication of Continue Reading →

Never, never, never more!

Danube for Peace 2018 Never, never, never more! Save the world from boring learning, training, classes! Media Pedagogy and Learning Design on the Danube Peace Boat for Teachers, Students and Leaders! Novi Sad, 5th to 12th of August 2018.  #thinkingdesign, #leadershipdesign, #learningdesign, #danubeforpeace Danube Peace Boat 2018

Discovery Manhattan 2018

November 3rd to 11th: UN Agenda 2030 about Sustainable Development Goals, Discovery Manhattan 2018 or How to Shape Future TOGETHER using Media, Film and Social Networks! Campaign for Global Citizens Education! This is Media Education Centre’s Concept of the “Traveling, Source for the Cultural Discovery”. After many years of cooperation Continue Reading →

Fest of Fests

Actions: Fest of Fests Launching Forum | Michael Cacoyannis Foundation Athens, 25-28 June 2018    Coordinator: Vassilis Karamitsanis  Key points: How does your festival prioritize critical viewers and critical engagement into the educational activities addressed to its young participants and/or audience? How does it monitor the results of this activity Continue Reading →

Fest of the fest

“Fest of Fests” A youth cinema network for the development of screen wise viewers “Fest of Fests” is a new initiative launched by the renowned Athens-based cultural center Michael Cacoyannis Foundation, EFFE Hub in Greece and host of the CIFEJ Regional Office for Europe. It is designed and implemented as a Continue Reading →

What is Media Pedagogy?

First, media pedagogy is focussing more on the process than on the content, the goal being to memorize events and morphologies of the evolution of mass media means or to develop skills for creating presentation programmes. It is focussing on developing critical thinking competences as to the influence exerted by Continue Reading →

What is Knowledge Exchange?

What Can Knowledge Exchange Help You Achieve? Knowledge exchange, or peer-to-peer learning, is a powerful way to share, replicate, and scale up what works in development. Development practitioners want to learn from the practical experience of others who have gone through, or are going through, similar challenges. They want to Continue Reading →