DarkER – side of media

Propaganda! Misinformation! Disinformation! Today we’re talking about the dark – or, shall we say, darkER – side of media. Understanding these media bogeymen is essential to being a more media literate citizen. *** Resources: The Persistent Mystery: How Many Died in 1989? https://www.nytimes.com/1999/06/04/wo… The Media Was Always Bad at Reporting Continue Reading →

Who is Zalan?

I’m Zalán Bata, a 21-year-old guy from Hungary. I attend Budapest University of Technology as a student of mechatronics engineering… However, my heart belongs to cinematography. I have been making animations for more than 6 years. They have been selected in several youth film festivals all around Europe, and I Continue Reading →

What is YCN?

The YOUTH CINEMA NETWORK In September 2013 representatives of youth film festivals and media centres from 15 European countries met at the ”Four River Film Festival” in Karlovac (Croatia). Together we founded there the “Youth Cinema Network”. It is a global network for youth film festivals and media centres, aimed Continue Reading →

Who is Patrick?

Mr Sciarratta is the Editor of the NGO Reporter, a quarterly disseminated by the NGO DPI Executive Committee to thousands of United Nations Department of Global Communications (UNDGC) affiliates worldwide.  He is also Editor of Global Connections magazine, an extension of the United Nations Association in New York State. He acts Continue Reading →

Media Literacy Week in Serbia

The European Media Literacy Week is a new initiative by the European Commission to underline the societal importance of media literacy and promote media literacy initiatives and projects across the Europe. From 18 to 22 March 2019, various events around the topic of media literacy will take place. Date: Monday, Continue Reading →

Who is Marija?

Marija Ratković Vidaković graduated Film, TV and Performing Arts Production from the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb. She has more than 10 years’ experience in the festival/event management and film industry and she is specialized in youth film and developing new talents. From 2012 to 2017 she was employed Continue Reading →

Who is Altair?

Altair Cerda I don’t remember the first moment when I held a camera, but being the son of a photographer it certainly was at an early age. Judging by the pictures made, I was fairly good at it. When I was ten I started doing animated films with a good Continue Reading →