The Media Education Centre opened the Health Laboratory at the beginning of 2021 when we started cooperating on two health projects: AHEAD – Action for Health and Equity Addressing medical Deserts

and Pillars of Health – Stubovi Zdravlja

with ideas and goals to use the experience, skills, and knowledge we earn during the implementation of those projects to continue to work to enhance people’s well-being and reduce their health risks thereby contributing to better population health. MEC Health Laboratory will work to advance health in health literacy, community engagement strategies, and advocacy for good governance for health, and foster public health action in the settings of everyday life.
As an organization in the Consultative Status with the United Nations ECOSOC we are sure that Health Literacy is an important factor in improving health outcomes provided a clear mandate for action: “We stress that health literacy is an important factor in ensuring significant health outcomes and in this regard, call for the development of appropriate action plans to promote health literacy.” Indeed, knowledge and understanding remain powerful tools in health promotion.
MEC Health Laboratory will improve health literacy in populations and provide the basis on which citizens are enabled to play an active role in improving their health, engage successfully with community action for health, and push governments to meet their responsibilities in addressing health and health equity. Meeting the health literacy needs of the most disadvantaged and marginalized societies will particularly accelerate progress in reducing inequities in health and beyond.