English version below!
Da li ste znali da je Srbija izgubila približno 74.200 hektara šuma u poslednjih 20 godina? Projekat Green at You posvećen je preokretanju ovog trenda pružanjem specijalizovane obuke u oblasti Zelenog Šumarstva. Nudimo sveobuhvatni MOOC kurs osmišljen da opremi učesnike modernim tehnikama upravljanja šumama i održivim praksama.

Naš cilj je da obučimo 48 učesnika u Srbiji, uključujući NEETs, žene, ranjive grupe, ljude sa migrantskom pozadinom, kao i širu javnost. Sticanjem mikro-kredencijala, bićete bolje pripremljeni da doprinesete održivom upravljanju i oporavku šuma Srbije.
🌍 Link ka Zelenoj Ekonomiji u Šumarstvu 🌍
🌲 Green at You: Leading the Way in Green Forestry in Serbia 🌲
Did you know that Serbia has lost approximately 74,200 hectares of forest in the last 20 years? The Green at You project is dedicated to reversing this trend by providing specialized training in Green Forestry. We’re offering a comprehensive MOOC designed to equip participants with modern forest management techniques and sustainable practices.
Our goal is to train 48 participants in Serbia, including NEETs, women, vulnerable groups, people with a migrant background, and the general public. By earning micro-credentials, you’ll be better prepared to contribute to the sustainable management and recovery of Serbia’s forests.
🌍 Link to Green Economy in Forestry 🌍