Health Literacy Summit

MEC Health Laboratory on the Health Literacy Summit

Health literacy represents the personal competencies and organizational structures, resources, and commitment that enable people to access, understand, appraise, and use information and services in ways that promote and maintain good health – WHO, 2021

Imagine a future where everyone is equipped with these competencies to understand their own health needs, make informed decisions about health promotion, and treatments, engage in communication and interaction with health professionals, and navigate complex healthcare systems with ease. This goes hand in hand with organizations that respond to individual`s health literacy needs, help people achieve the best health outcomes, and make sure to provide equitable health services for all. That’s the power of health literacy.

The Health Laboratory of the Media Education Centre has two approved abstracts: EmpowerED – Transforming Education for Learning Disabilities through Inclusivity and Innovation: Enhancing health literacy and promoting responsible use of health media relies on making quality and reliable information easily accessible, underscoring the importance of media and digital literacies for empowering health literacy. Addressing this multifaceted challenge requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses education, access, user-friendly design, community participation, and robust regulation.
Utilizing Media and Digital Literacies for Health Empowerment in the Modern Age: Enhancing health literacy and promoting responsible use of health media relies on making quality and reliable information easily accessible, underscoring the importance of media and digital literacies for empowering health literacy. Addressing this multifaceted challenge requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses education, access, user-friendly design, community participation, and robust regulation.