Digital transition in education has been a springboard for some children to learn in new and dynamic ways. However, it has also proven to be a hindrance for others, if not done properly. Many with learning disabilities found it difficult to keep up with digital changes in school and beyond.

Supporting the inclusion of learners affected by learning disabilities, understanding diversity, and embracing diversity in society, especially in education, is even more complex within the digital transition. The ADEDU project will produce training that will help educators of learners with disabilities enhance their digital skills to facilitate inclusion in the education sector in Europe.
The ADEDU project aims at supporting educators, trainers and learning centres in upskilling and becoming more innovative by including people affected by learning disabilities. Alongside this, facilitating digital transition and overall inclusion of people with learning disabilities is the main aim of this project. The project will:
- Upskill adult educators working in the field of digital inclusion, through a tailored training course.
- Strengthen the capacity of learning centres across Europe in including people affected by learning disabilities.
- Promote inclusive education and raise awareness of learning disabilities.
Main target groups
- Educators
- Trainers
- Non-teaching Staff at learning centres
- People with learning difficulties
The project will develop two core elements:
- Training course for adult educators following a needs assessment.
- Capacity building training
- Website
- 10 webinars
- Training course for adult educators following a needs assessment.
- European communications Campaign to raise awareness of people with learning disabilities
January 2024 – June 2026
- Hellenic Open University
- European Association of Services provides for Persons with Disabilities
- Media Education Center