Austrian and Hungarian peace movements call on their governments for unequivocal pro-peace politics – Joint statement

The peace movements of Austria and Hungary called on the Hungarian and Austrian governments to pursue a clear peace policy and to oppose in the strongest possible terms the efforts of internal and external forces to drag the two countries into an armed conflict against Russia. Together they pledge to Continue Reading →

Media and Communications Literacy and Education on Peacebuilding – Tool for changing a war dominant narrative on conflict.

In today’s mass communication MEDIA is broadcasting, publishing, and the internet reproducing. The MEDIA must play a positive role in peacebuilding and conflict prevention. Media Education Centre through increasing programmes on media, communications and peacebuilding to develop pro-peace programme content and support interventions generate positive results. This highlights the need Continue Reading →

Could Digital Health be one of the Solutions for Medical Deserts?

In every country, the differences in public healthcare exist. Medical deserts are isolated or depopulated areas with overall health workforce and health worker availability shortages and intensify health inequalities in the population. Digital and Health literacy and tools can be an instrument supporting the principle of equality in the public Continue Reading →

YCN Conference 2023

Every year YCN network organizes an annual conference for its members, which is usually attached to a festival event. This year’s conference took place during the 47th Schweizer Jugendfilmtage, from the 23rd to the 24th of March in Zürich, Switzerland. Besides YCN members, it was also opened to professional film Continue Reading →